Table 4

Marginal effect of receiving intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV tPA) on hospital costs ($2013) for patients aged 18–64 years with a primary diagnosis of acute ischaemic stroke, 2010–2013 MarketScan Commercial Claim Inpatient Database

Length of stay
 Total (N=39 149)<2 days (N=6489)2–4 days (N=21 696)≥5 days (N=10 964)
 Non-tPA groupRef.Ref.Ref.Ref.
 IV tPA group9195**7453**9386**9409**
Age, years
Metropolitan statistical area
 Northeast−3894**1409**−2523**−10 853 **
 North central−4737**−67−3660**−11 129 **
 South−5879**−461−4611**−12 945 **
Charlson comorbidity index
 5 or higher739**782**939**933
Length of Stay, days
 ≥518 822 **
Discharge destination
 Rehabilitation facility5002**8013**4171**6642**
 Short-term hospital/SNF/other‡6407**873*2120**10 942 **
 Expired19 438 **11 937 **19 058 **23 561 **
Constant14 420 **11 123 **17 507 **37 332 **
  • *Statistical significance at p<0.05

  • **Statistical significance at p<0.01.

  • ‡SNF stands for skilled-nursing facilities. Other discharge status includes transferring to federal hospital, critical access hospital, hospice, long-term care facility, and all other discharge status.