Table 2

Association between impaired CVR and the development of stroke in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis

Study (year)Number of patientsPatients with impaired CVRMean follow-up (months)OR (95% CI)
Gur et al 42 (1996)4421/442422.50 (1.44 to 1054.40)
Silvestrini et al 43 (2000)9440/9428.53.72 (1.05 to 14.85)
Markus and Cullinane44 (2001)107NM21.714.4 (2.63 to 78.74)
Kimiagar et al 45 (2010)3521/35486.50 (0.65 to 315.02)
King et al 46 (2011)10632/10622.73.62 (0.61 to 21.74)
  • CVR, cerebrovascular reserve; NM, not mentioned.