Table 1

Comparison of characteristics between patients enrolled in the study and those who withdrew from the follow-up

VariablesEnrolled (n=1062)Withdrew (n=211)P value
Demographic characteristics
 Age, year, mean±SD60.47±11.5760.60±12.900.88
 Female, n (%)364 (34.3)72 (34.1)0.97
 Education level
  High school and above, n (%)762 (71.8)150 (71.1)0.85
 Married, n (%)992 (93.4)193 (91.9)0.43
 Living alone, n (%)1037 (97.6)204 (96.7)0.41
 Employed, n (%)502 (47.4)96 (45.5)0.60
 Family history of mental disease, n (%)187 (18.2)40 (19.9)0.56
Vascular risk factors
 Smoker, n (%)483 (45.7)97 (46.2)0.90
 Hypertension, n (%)708 (67.9)142 (69.6)0.77
 Diabetes, n (%)225 (21.6)39 (18.8)0.38
 Hyperlipidaemia, n (%)178 (19.1)40 (22.1)0.35
Clinical characteristics
 Diagnosis of ISH, n (%)863 (81.3)164 (77.7)0.24
 NIHSS score at 14±2 days, mean±SD4.62±4.034.62±4.030.07
 Stroke recurrence at 1-year follow-up, n (%)65 (7.1)11 (5.2)0.61
 Death at 6-year follow-up, n (%)130 (12.2)35 (16.6)0.40
  • Smoker, with or without a history of smoking.

  • ISH, ischaemic stroke; NIHSS score, the first National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.