Table 3

Risk factors associated with subarachnoid haemorrhage*

RR95% CIP valueOR95% CIP value
Age<561.5091.150 to 1.979 0.002
Epidural AVF1.4651.080 to 1.9890.052
Perimedullary AVF1.8981.554 to 2.318 <0.001
Radicular AVF1.5511.208 to 1.992 0.004
Dural AVF0.830.455 to 0.747 <0.001
Fistula location: foramen magnum0.4900.244 to 0.981 0.012
Fistula location: C-21.3431.023 to 1.7630.055
Arterial feeder: dural branch of vertebral artery0.6790.528 to 0.873 0.005 0.3340.146 to 0.766 0.010
Arterial feeder: Radicular artery1.5511.208 to 1.992 0.004
Arterial feeder: anterior spinal artery1.8191.458 to 2.270 <0.001
Arterial feeder: lateral spinal artery1.7391.371 to 2.206 0.002
Arterial feeder: Ascending pharyngeal artery0.4900.244 to 0.981 0.012
Drain: ascending intradural drainage3.7962.572 to 5.603 <0.001 11.0964.856 to 25.356 <0.001
Drain: descending intradural drainage0.3010.216 to 0.419 <0.001 0.2220.112 to 0.441 <0.001
Drain: epidural drainage1.7131.341 to 2.189 0.004 11.0992.429 to 50.720 0.002
Aneurysmal structure1.9711.553 to 2.502 <0.001 2.8071.102 to 7.149 0.031
  • *List only options with p<0.100.

  • AVF, arteriovenous fistula; C, cervical; RR, relative risk.