Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants by dementia status

CharacteristicsNon-dementiaDementiaP value
(n=4 27 368)(n=4711)
Age (mean, SD)56.90 (8.01)64.40 (4.69)<0.001
Male (%)195 622 (45.8)2455 (52.1)<0.001
College/professional certificate (%)8383 (2.0)29 (0.6)<0.001
White ethnicity (%)402 970 (95.6)4454 (96.0)0.285
BMI (median, IQR)26.86 (24.24–30.06)27.18 (24.39–30.55)<0.001
MET min/wk (median, IQR)1764.00 (792.00–3564.00)1695.00 (742.00–3572.00)0.039
Smoking (%)<0.001
 Never smoked229 045 (53.9)2174 (46.7)
 Previous smoked149 774 (35.3)1990 (42.8)
 Current smoker46 036 (10.8)487 (10.5)
Alcohol intake more than once a week (%)293 236 (68.8)2836 (60.6)<0.001
Townsend Deprivation Index at recruitment (%)<0.001
 Low126 765 (29.7)1331 (28.3)
 Middle84 833 (19.9)1160 (24.6)
 High215 770 (50.5)2220 (47.1)
Hypertension (%)201 941 (47.3)2721 (57.8)<0.001
Systolic blood pressure (mean, SD)140.05 (19.71)146.27 (20.64)<0.001
Diastolic blood pressure (mean, SD)82.28 (10.69)81.73 (10.88)<0.001
Diabetes mellitus (%)23 737 (5.6)668 (14.3)<0.001
Hypercholesterolaemia (%)134 320 (31.4)1359 (28.8)<0.001
Total cholesterol5.69 (1.15)5.51 (1.29)<0.001
High density lipoprotein cholesterol1.44 (0.38)1.42 (0.40)<0.001
History of stroke (%)1312 (0.3)64 (1.4)<0.001
Cholesterol-lowering medication (%)30 987 (7.3)712 (15.1)<0.001
Blood pressure-lowering medication (%)42 847 (10.0)790 (16.8)<0.001
Insulin use (%)3047 (0.7)115 (2.4)<0.001
ApoE ε4 (%)<0.001
 0229 045 (53.9)2174 (46.7)
 1149 774 (35.3)1990 (42.8)
 246 036 (10.8)487 (10.5)
Pacemaker (%)1479 (0.3)58 (1.2)<0.001
FGCRS continuous13.59 (4.31)16.33 (3.38)<0.001
FGCRS categorical<0.001
 Low risk129 669 (30.3)392 (8.3)
 Intermediate risk158 660 (37.1)1559 (33.1)
 High risk139 039 (32.5)2760 (58.6)
  • BMI, body mass index; FGCRS, Framingham General Cardiovascular Risk Score; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; ApoE ε4, Apolipoprotein E.