Table 2

Patient characteristics and univariate analysis results

VariableTotal (N=520)Univariate analysis p values
Direct medical costDirect nonmedical costIndirect costTotal cost
Basic information
Gender: male362 (69.6%)0.0510.1140.3530.031
Age (years old)61.64 (9.74)0.0460.822p<0.0010.068
Work status before stroke0.1780.387p<0.001p<0.001
 Working (full-time, part-time, farm work)170 (32.7%)
 Not working (retired, unemployed, stopped farm work)350 (67.3%)
Insurance: urban employee basic medical insurance243 (46.7%)0.730.231p<0.0010.003
Insurance: urban resident basic medical insurance125 (24.0%)0.7660.7460.0140.069
Insurance: rural cooperation medical insurance117 (22.5%)0.0380.239p<0.001p<0.001
Family monthly income per capita0.0020.037p<0.001p<0.001
 <3000 CNY77 (14.8%)
 3000–8000 CNY243 (46.7%)
 8001–20 000 CNY157 (30.2%)
 >20 000 CNY43 (8.3%)
Education level0.8140.519p<0.0010.033
 College or above51 (9.8%)
 High school131 (25.2%)
 Junior school180 (34.6%)
 Primary school118 (22.7%)
 None40 (7.7%)
Hypertension410 (78.8%)0.4860.8570.0530.287
 Pre-diabetes14 (2.7%)
 Diabetes and classification158 (30.4%)
Lipid metabolism disorder176 (33.8%)
Coronary heart disease52 (10.0%)0.1950.6690.1660.499
Atrial fibrillation31 (6.0%)0.9670.240.280.784
Time from onset to arrival (hours)25.29 (30.96)0.0180.9610.0120.933
Admission NIHSS total score3.92 (3.77)p<0.001p<0.001p<0.001p<0.001
Intravenous thrombolysis: rt-PA intravenous thrombolytic51 (9.8%)0.0110.7740.010.459
Endovascular therapy: stent therapy3 (0.6%)0.0120.8640.6140.189
Inpatient therapy: medicine514 (98.8%)0.4490.9340.9790.771
 Antiplatelet therapy504 (96.9%)0.260.8520.840.43
 Lipid-lowering drugs509 (97.9%)0.3610.9670.540.465
 Antioxidant treatment108 (20.8%)0.7430.524p<0.0010.002
 Antihypertensive treatment300 (57.7%)0.4170.8350.7570.442
Inpatient therapy: carotid artery stenting3 (0.6%)0.0020.8640.7440.15
Inpatient therapy: decompressive craniectomy0 (0.0%)////
Length of stay of index event (days)13.80 (5.77)p<0.0010.025p<0.001p<0.001
Discharge NIHSS total score2.60 (2.90)p<0.0010.026p<0.001p<0.001
Whereabouts after discharge0.0410.9220.0030.082
 Home482 (95.4%)
 Transferred to other hospitals (grade II)5 (1.0%)
 Transferred to community hospital2 (0.4%)
 Transferred to rehabilitation centre12 (2.4%)
 Other4 (0.8%)
Discharge medication: antiplatelet agents489 (94.0%)0.0090.3590.5590.061
Discharge medication: lipid-lowering drugs493 (94.8%)0.020.9860.1350.042
Discharge medication: antihypertensive therapy317 (61.0%)0.4940.8860.4650.380
Discharge medication: antioxidant against lipid peroxidation6 (1.2%)0.6740.8310.1740.207
Living conditions during follow-up period0.4260.6210.4140.255
 Living alone25 (4.8%)
 Living with others493 (95.2%)
3-month mRS scorep<0.0010.004p<0.001p<0.001
 0–2 points450 (87.0%)
 3–5 points67 (13.0%)
3-month EQ-5D utility0.88 (0.17)p<0.0010.055p<0.001p<0.001
12-month mRS scorep<0.0010.003p<0.001p<0.001
 0–2 points448 (87.3%)
 3–5 points65 (12.7%)
12-month EQ-5D utility0.89 (0.18)p<0.0010.3410.041p<0.001
  • EQ-5D, EuroQol 5 Dimension; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.