Table 3

Recurrent ischaemic events prior to CEA in patients receiving medical therapy

StudyPatients with recurrent ischaemic events, n (% of total patients undergoing CEA)Medical therapy prior to CEA
Yoshida et al 17 7 (100)Dual antiplatelet therapy in all patients with recurrent events*.
Ballotta et al 18 21 (36.8)All with recurrent events were taking at least one antiplatelet; 13 were on a statin.
Yoshida et al 19 17 (100)Dual antiplatelet therapy in all patients with recurrent events.
Takai et al 20 NR
Kashiwazaki et al 21 4 (25.0)At least one antiplatelet.
Nardi et al 22 23 (71.9)At least one antiplatelet.
  • *Antiplatelet medications consist of aspirin, P2Y12 inhibitor (ie, clopidogrel) and cilostazol.

  • CEA, carotid endarterectomy; NR, not reported.