Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients with AF-bAVMs

VariablesOverall (n=135)
Demographic variables
 Age (mean±SD, years)28.1±12.3
 Male, no (%)90 (66.7)
 LD history, no (%)19 (14.1)
Angioarchitectural variables
 Size (mean±SD, mm)35.9±14.4
 Haemorrhage, no (%)69 (51.1)
 Deep perforating artery feeding bAVM, no (%)*
  AChA11 (8.1)
  PChA7 (5.2)
  LLSA17 (12.6)
 DV drainage, no (%)12 (8.9)
 Diffuse nidus, no (%)28 (20.7)
 S-M grading (mean±SD)2.5±0.8
AF segment involved, no (%)†
 I51 (37.8)
 II19 (14.1)
 III61 (45.2)
 IV25 (18.5)
  • *bAVMs supplied by more than one deep perforating artery were counted repeatedly.

  • †bAVMs involving more than one AF segment were counted repeatedly.

  • AChA, anterior choroidal artery; AF, arcuate fasciculus; bAVMs, brain arteriovenous malformations; DV, deep venous; LD, language deficit; LLSA, lateral lenticulostriate artery; PChA, posterior choroidal artery; S-M, Spetzler-Martin.