Table 1

Comparison of the PED alone and PED combined with coiling groups before propensity score matching in the 967 aneurysms with angiographic follow-up

VariablePED alonePED combining coilsP value
No. of aneurysms (%)496471
Age (years)14–823–78
Mean (SD)53.06 (±11.11)54.30 (±11.36)0.084
Female330 (66.5)368 (78.1)<0.001
Hypertension150 (30.2)168 (35.7)0.073
Diabetes19 (3.8)27 (5.7)0.165
Hyperlipidaemia21 (4.2)14 (3.0)0.305
Coronary heart disease28 (5.6)22 (4.7)0.494
Alcohol abuse68 (13.7)46 (9.8)0.057
Smoking140 (28.2)102 (21.7)0.018
Aneurysm presentation0.006
Incidental262 (52.8)202 (42.9)0.002
Symptomatic217 (43.8)254 (53.9)0.002
Ruptured (history of SAH)17 (3.4)15 (3.2)0.833
Pretreatment mRS0.807
≤2455 (91.7)430 (91.3)
>241 (8.3)41 (8.7)
Multiple aneurysms159 (32.1)133 (28.2)0.196
Ruptured aneurysms17 (3.4)15 (3.2)0.833
Saccular379 (76.4)430 (91.8)<0.001
Fusiform58 (11.7)24 (4.8)0.001
Dissecting47 (9.5)11 (2.2)<0.001
Blister12 (2.4)6 (1.2)0.188
Maximal diameter in mm (mean)9.99 (±7.57)15.13 (±8.08)<0.001
≤7 mm230 (46.4)86 (18.3)<0.001
7–15 mm168 (33.9)197 (41.8)0.011
>15 mm98 (19.7)188 (39.9)<0.001
Carotid artery376 (75.8)419 (89.6)<0.001
Distal circle of Willis25 (5.1)14 (3.0)0.102
Vertebral artery82 (16.5)24 (5.0)<0.001
Basilar artery and other posterior circulation13 (2.6)14 (3.0)0.740
PED model0.116
PED Classic213 (42.9%)226 (48.0%)
PED Flex283 (57.1)245 (52.0)
Time to last follow-up imaging (mean)9.05 (±6.53)9.01 (±7.59)0.574
Complete occlusion at last follow-up382 (77.0)407 (86.4)<0.001
mRS score at last follow-up0.554
≤2458 (92.3)430 (91.3)
>238 (7.7)41 (8.7)
Ischaemic complications27 (5.4)58 (12.1)<0.001
Haemorrhagic complications22 (4.5)24 (5.1)0.681
DAR12 (2.4)11 (2.3)0.932
DIPH10 (2.0)13 (2.8)0.448
Compression symptoms20 (4.0)31 (6.6)0.076
Mortality9 (1.8)9 (1.9)0.912
  • Bold values: p value <0.05.

  • n (%); p value: χ2 test.

  • Median (IQR); p value: t-test.

  • DAR, delayed aneurysm rupture; DIPH, distal intraparenchymal haemorrhage; mRS, modified Rankin scale; PED, Pipeline embolisation device; SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage.