Table 1

Distribution of established risk factors for total stroke and stroke pathological types in men and women in CKB

Risk factors included in FSRP*MenWomen
No stroke (n=185 706)Total stroke (n=19 587)IS
(n=16 113)
HS (n=4587)No stroke (n=274 902)Total stroke (n=23 647)IS
(n=20 197)
Age, mean, year51.860.760.860.850.659.659.759.4
Current smoking, %68.559.958.763.
Coronary heart disease, %
Age 65 years+, %13.839.939.941.410.734.034.134.6
Diabetes at age <65 years, %
Diabetes at age 65+ years %
BP-lowering treatment, %8.622.322.622.910.126.326.329.4
SBP-untreated, mean, mm Hg130142141148126138137148
SBP-treated, mean, mm Hg148153152158150155154162
  • ‘No stroke’ column includes individuals lost to follow-up before 9 years, and were stroke-free until being censored.

  • *Atrial fibrillation was not recorded in CKB.

  • CKB, China Kadoorie Biobank; FSRP, Framingham Stroke Risk Profile; HS, haemorrhagic stroke; IS, ischaemic stroke; SBP, systolic blood pressure.