Body weight | same or ↓ | ↑ |
Extracellular volume | ↓ | ↑ |
Signs or symptoms of dehydration | present | absent |
Central venous pressure | ↓ | same or ↑ |
Plasma sodium | ↓ | ↓ |
Urine sodium | ↑ | ↑ |
Net sodium loss | ↑ | normal |
Urine output | normal or ↑ | ↓ |
Serum osmolality | ↓ | ↓ |
Urine osmolality | ↑ | ↑ |
Blood urea nitrogen | normal or ↑ | ↓ |
Plasma AVP | ↓ | ↑ |
Haematocrit | normal or ↑ | ↓ |
Plasma aldosterone | ↓ | normal or ↑ |
Plasma renin | normal, ↑ or ↓ | ↓ |
Treatment | Salt supplementation and fluid replacement | Fluid restriction |
*increased; ↓, decreased.
AVP, antidiuretic hormone vasopressin; CSW, cerebral salt wasting syndrome; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone.