Table 2

Complications and cardiovascular events in the follow-up to CEA

Carotid mild (<50%) stenosis (N=32)
Perisurgical complications—no (%)0 (0.0)
Postsurgical complications—no (%)2 (6.2)
 Haematoma1 (3.1)
 Transitory neurological deficit1 (3.1)
 Hyper-perfusion syndrome0 (0.0)
Median follow-up—months, (IQR)18.0 (5.0–36.0)
 Follow-up >1 year—no (%)20 (62.5)
Cardiovascular events in follow-up
 Ischaemic stroke—no (%)0.0 (0.0)
 TIA—no (%)1 (3.1)
 Amaurosis fugax—no (%)0 (0.0)
Recurrent ischaemic cerebrovascular events related to ipsilateral carotid disease—no (%)0 (0.0)
Deaths—no (%)3 (9.3)
  • Values are presented as means (SD) or median (IQR) for continuous variables and percentages for dichotomous or categorical variables.

  • CEA, carotid endarterectomy; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.