Table 3

Assessment of discordance among selected variables from the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program (PCNASP) and claims data among linked patients

PCNASP-based variables
Claims-based variables
McNemar’s test p valueAbsolute difference
Comorbidities*, N (%)
Hypertension4021 (71.5)3866 (68.5)0.003.0
Diabetes mellitus1780 (31.8)1974 (35.0)0.003.2
Dyslipidaemia2590 (46.1)2710 (48.0)0.011.9
Prior ischaemic stroke1075 (21.9)1192 (21.1)0.120.8
Prior transient ischaemic attack406 (8.1)526 (9.3)0.081.2
History of atrial fibrillation1155 (20.5)820 (14.5)0.006.0
Carotid stenosis222 (4.0)411 (7.3)0.003.3
Ischaemic heart disease1323 (23.6)1341 (23.8)0.700.2
Peripheral vascular disease315 (5.6)497 (8.8)0.003.2
Congestive heart failure449 (8.0)786 (13.9)0.005.9
Chronic kidney disease138 (11.4)699 (12.4)0.001.0
Obesity624 (39.6)811 (14.4)0.0025.2
Smoking1024 (18.3)455 (8.1)0.0010.2
Drug or alcohol abuse32 (2.8)61 (1.1)1.001.7
Depression174 (5.6)556 (9.9)0.004.3
Stroke severity and functional information at discharge†
NIH Stroke Scale
 Mean (SD)6.2 (7.2)N/AN/AN/A
 Median (IQR)3 (1–8)N/AN/AN/A
Ambulatory status at discharge
Able to ambulate independently with or without device, N (%)2698 (50.4)N/AN/AN/A
  • *Comorbidities in the PCNASP are based on recorded medical history during stroke hospitalisation; comorbidities for in claims are based on International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision diagnoses recorded during the 183-day period prior to the stroke hospitalisation. Comorbidities in the PCNASP were characterised by varying level of missingness: information on prior ischaemic stroke, transient ischaemic attack, obesity, chronic kidney disease, drug or alcohol abuse, and depression was missing for 13.0%, 11.6%, 72.1%, 78.6%, 79.6% and 44.7%, respectively; information on the other comorbidities was missing for <1%.

  • †Information on National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale and Ambulatory status at discharge was missing for 28.9% and 5.2% patients, respectively.

  • N/A, not applicable.