Table 1

Baseline characteristics

CharacteristicACO (n=1396)PCO (n=397)P value
 Age (years)66(56–73)64(55–72)0.0038
 Male (n,%)878 (62.89%)301 (75.82%)<0.0001
 Hypertension (n,%)757 (54.23%)272 (68.51%)<0.0001
 Hypercholesterolaemia (n,%)109 (7.81%)50 (12.59)0.0031
 Diabetes mellitus (n,%)246 (17.62%)86 (21.66%)0.0674
 CAD (n,%)212 (15.19%)63 (15.87%)0.7390
 Current smoker (n,%)408 (29.23%)140 (35.26%)0.0212
 Atrial fibrillation (n,%)572 (40.97%)78 (19.65%)<0.0001
 History of stroke (n,%)257 (18.41%)89 (22.42%)0.0741
 History of TIA (n,%)31 (2.22%)22 (5.54%)0.0006
 Admission NIHSS16(12–20)22 (11–35)<0.0001
 ASPECTS/pc-ASPECTS9 (7–10)9 (7–10)
 SBP, mm Hg145(130–160)150(138–166)<0.0001
 IV thrombolysis (n,%)416 (29.80%)108 (27.20%)0.3157
 Onset to thrombolysis, min166 (120–180)173 (120–180)0.0410
General anaesthesia (n,%)502 (35.96%)221 (55.67%)<0.0001
 ASTIN/SIR 3–4 (n,%)522 (37.39%)173 (43.58%)0.0256
Underlying ICAD (n,%)*359 (29.47%)175 (51.47%)<0.0001
 Tandem occlusion (n,%)305 (21.85%)74 (18.64%)0.1671
 IA thrombolysis(n,%)99 (7.09%)50 (12.59%)0.0005
 Mechanical thrombectomy (n,%)1269 (90.9%)338 (85.14%)0.0009
 Number of thrombectomy2 (1–3)1 (1–2)<0.0001
 Heparin during MT (n,%)669 (47.92%)205 (51.64%)0.1914
 IIb/IIIa inhibitor (n,%)677 (48.50%)250 (62.97%)<0.0001
 Extra angioplasty (n,%)365 (26.15%)160 (40.30%)<0.0001
 Permanent stenting (n,%)212 (15.19%)113 (28.46%)<0.0001
 Onset to puncture, min300 (210–440)298 (208–428)0.2664
 Onset to recanalisation, min404 (300–555)481.5 (360–765)<0.0001
 Puncture to recanalisation, min83 (51–128)93 (59–139)0.0088
Stoke subtype by TOAST criteria†
 Large artery atherosclerosis (n,%)634 (48.40%)257 (67.99%)<0.0001
Cardioembolism (n,%)517 (39.47%)70 (18.52%)
Other or unknown aetiology (n,%)159 (12.14%)51 (13.49%)
  • *Missing 235 data.

  • †Missing 105 data.

  • ACO, anterior circulation artery occlusion; ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score; ASTIN/SIR, American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology/Society of Interventional Radiology Collateral Flow Grading System; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; IA, intra-artery; ICAD, intracranial atherosclerotic disease; IV, intravenous; MT, mechanical thrombectomy; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; pc-ASPECTS, posterior circulation Acute Stroke Prognosis Early CT Score; PCO, posterior circulation artery occlusion; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TIA, transient ischaemic attack; TOAST, Trial of Org 10 172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.