Table 1

Clinical characteristics between patients with ICH with and without NOTCH3 p.R544C mutation

NOTCH3 mutation (−) n=286 NOTCH3 mutation (+) n=13P value
Male sex194 (67.8%)8 (61.5%)0.64
Medical history
 Hypertension263 (92.0%)11 (84.6%)0.30
 Diabetes mellitus88 (31.0%)5 (38.5%)0.55
 Hyperlipidaemia89 (31.1%)9 (69.2%) 0.004
 Smoking104 (36.6%)3 (23.1%)0.39
 Heart disease68 (23.9%)1 (7.7%)0.31
 Previous ischaemic stroke29 (10.1%)2 (15.4%)0.65
 Previous ICH27 (9.4%)3 (23.1%)0.16
 Parental stroke72 (25.4%)4 (30.8%)0.75
 Sibling stroke37 (13.1%)4 (30.8%)0.09
ICH location0.39
 Thalamus77 (26.9%)6 (46.2%)
 Basal ganglia106 (37.1%)3 (23.1%)
 Cortical-subcortical55 (19.2%)1 (7.7%)
 Infratentorium46 (16.1%)3 (23.1%)
 Multiple or others2 (1.0%)0 (0%)
ICH size, mL14.2±17.913.4±17.60.30
IVH90 (31.7%)4 (30.8%)0.99
Admission status
 Glasgow coma scale12.6±3.513.0±3.20.58
 Systolic blood pressure182.7±37.8185.0±29.90.76
 Diastolic blood pressure101.7±25.0100.5±14.20.96
 Heart rate86.3±17.886.0±23.20.36
 ICH score1.2±1.21.2±1.10.96
Discharge status
 Length of stay, days15.5±14.410.9±5.70.48
 NIHSS at discharge10.1±11.613.8±14.00.37
 Change of NIHSS−3.3±8.30.7±7.1 0.02
 Barthel index59.6±36.839.2±44.90.13
 Modified Rankin scale2.9±1.63.5±1.90.20
  • Numbers in bold indicating statistical significance (P<0.05).

  • ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale.