Table 4

External ventricular drain (EVD) group associations with poor outcome

Variable*EVD cohort
Good outcome
Poor outcome
P value
 Total patients39435
 Male sex27 (69.2%)4 (100%)23 (65.7%)0.292
 Age, in years57.7±13.8 (24–85)37.8±8.8 (29–48)60.0±12.5 (24–85) 0.006
 Length of hospital stay, in days19.2±14.9 (0.7–56.7)27.2±9.7 (21.1–41.6)18.3±15.3 (0.7–56.7)0.167
 Glasgow Coma Scale on admission7.66±3.5 (3–14)6.8±0.5 (6–7)7.8±3.7 (3–14)0.139
ICH location
 Basal ganglia versus thalamic8 (20.5%) versus 19 (48.7%)1 (25%) versus 0 (0%)7 (20.0%) versus 19 (54.2%)0.296
 Lobar versus thalamic12 (30.8%) versus 19 (48.7%)3 (75%) versus 0 (0%)9 (25.7%) versus 19 (54.2%) 0.049
 Basal ganglia versus lobar8 (20.5%) versus 12 (30.8%)1 (25%) versus 3 (75%)7 (20.0%) versus 9 (25.7%)0.619
ICH Score
 Score 2 versus 0–115 (38.5%) versus 5 (12.8%)3 (75%) versus 0 (0%)12 (34.3%) versus 5 (14.3%)0.540
 Score 3 versus 0–116 (41.0%) versus 5 (12.8%)1 (25%) versus 0 (0%)15 (42.9%) versus 5 (14.3%)0.999
 Score 4 versus 0–13 (7.7%) versus 5 (12.8%)0 (0%) versus 0 (0%)3 (8.6%) versus 5 (14.3%)0.999
Type of hydrocephalus
 Mechanical versus primary IVH21 (59.0%) versus 18 (41.0%)0 (0%) versus 4 (100%)21 (65.7%) versus 14 (30.8%) 0.037
ICH volume
 Volume average (range)36.7±42.3 (3.9–189.8)48.1±32.5 (18.5–89.5)35.4±43.5 (3.9–189.8)0.516
 ICH volume greater than 30 mm3 16 (41.0%)2 (50%)14 (40.0%)0.369
Meningitis (+)6 (15.4%)2 (50%)4 (11.42%)0.105
Intraventricular alteplase11 (28.2%)2 (50%)9 (25%)0.562
Surgical clot evacuation5 (12.8%)0 (0%)5 (14.3%)0.999
Modified Graeb Score13.2±7.7 (0–27)18.3±2.5 (15–21)12.6±7.9 (0–27) 0.010
Opening pressure (in mm Hg)19.8±17.2 (6–80)12.8±3.4 (6–16)20.6±17.9 (6–80) 0.031
EVD length of treatment
 Average (range)8.3±5.5 (0.7–21.6)8.0±1.8 (6.0–9.5)8.3±5.8 (0.7–21.6)0.839
 EVD length of treatment ≥7 days24 (61.5%)4 (100%)20 (57.14%)0.146
Days to radiographic opening of third ventricle9.7±5.4 (1.2–21.6)7.1±2.3 (4.4–9.9)10.3±5.7 (1.2–21.6)0.088
Shunt dependent hydrocephalus2 (5.1%)0 (0%)2 (5.7%)0.999
  • *Categorical data are presented as number (%) and continuous data as the mean±SD (range).

  • ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage.