Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients according to serum albumin levels

VariableOverallSerum albumin, g/LP for trend
N=13 618n=980n=5007n=5875n=1756
Serum albumin, g/L, mean (SD)40.5±4.132.7±2.637.9±1.442.1±1.447.1±2.3<0.0001
Age, years, mean (SD)62.2±11.368.2±11.364.4±10.760.8±10.857.2±11.3<0.0001
Men, n (%)9276 (68.1)664 (67.8)3352 (67.0)4027 (68.5)1233 (70.2)0.06
BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD)24.7±3.323.8±3.624.4±3.324.9±3.325.2±3.2<0.0001
Medical history, n (%)
 Hypertension8503 (62.4)573 (58.5)3005 (60.0)3765 (64.1)1160 (66.1)<0.0001
 Diabetes mellitus3135 (23.0)260 (26.5)1153 (23.0)1357 (23.1)365 (20.8)0.01
 Dyslipidemia1070 (7.9)64 (6.5)378 (7.6)475 (8.1)153 (8.7)0.16
 Stroke or TIA3005 (22.1)244 (24.9)1127 (22.5)1291 (22.0)343 (19.5)0.01
 Coronary heart disease1432 (10.5)126 (12.9)556 (11.1)611 (10.4)139 (7.9)0.0002
 Atrial fibrillation/flutter911 (6.7)121 (12.4)424 (8.5)304 (5.2)62 (3.5)<0.0001
 Peripheral vascular disease90 (0.7)12 (1.2)34 (0.7)35 (0.6)9 (0.5)0.13
Index event, n (%)
 Ischaemic stroke12 690 (93.2)941 (96.0)4711 (94.1)5433 (92.5)1605 (91.4)<0.0001
 TIA928 (6.8)39 (4.0)296 (5.9)442 (7.5)151 (8.6)
TOAST types, n (%)
 Large-artery atherosclerosis3441 (25.3)277 (28.3)1330 (26.6)1416 (24.1)418 (23.8)<0.0001
 Cardioembolism824 (6.1)90 (9.2)375 (7.5)299 (5.1)60 (3.4)
 Small-vessel occlusion2836 (20.8)132 (13.5)988 (19.7)1319 (22.5)397 (22.6)
 Other determined aetiology173 (1.3)20 (2.0)54 (1.1)75 (1.3)24 (1.4)
 Undetermined aetiology6344 (46.6)461 (47.0)2260 (45.1)2766 (47.1)857 (48.8)
Smoking status, n (%)
 Never7674 (56.4)574 (58.6)2839 (56.7)3272 (55.7)989 (56.3)0.53
 Previous1674 (12.3)120 (12.2)625 (12.5)725 (12.3)204 (11.6)
 Current4270 (31.4)286 (29.2)1543 (30.8)1878 (32.0)563 (32.1)
NIHSS score at admission, median (IQR)3 (1–6)4 (2–7)3 (1–6)3 (1–6)3 (1–5)<0.0001
Pre-stroke mRS 0~2, n (%)13 044 (95.8)912 (93.1)4764 (95.2)5658 (96.3)1710 (97.4)<0.0001
Arterial stenosis, n(%)
 ICAS3382/11 689 (28.9)299/849 (35.2)1320/4327 (30.5)1371/5019 (27.3)392/1494 (26.2)<0.0001
 ECAS529/11 689 (4.5)58/849 (6.8)204/4327 (4.7)218/5019 (4.3)49/1494 (3.3)0.0009
Acute recanalisation therapy, n (%)
 Intravenous thrombolysis1146 (8.4)122 (12.5)474 (9.5)442 (7.5)108 (6.2)<0.0001
 Endovascular therapy85 (0.6)10 (1.0)24 (0.5)42 (0.7)9 (0.5)0.15
Inpatient medication, n (%)
 Antihypertensive agents6237 (45.8)391 (39.9)2147 (42.9)2821 (48.0)878 (50.0)<0.0001
 Hypoglycaemic agents3374 (24.8)262 (26.7)1216 (24.3)1461 (24.9)435 (24.8)0.44
 Cholesterol-lowering agents13 033 (95.7)933 (95.2)4789 (95.7)5613 (95.5)1698 (96.7)0.16
 Antiplatelet agents13 142 (96.5)938 (95.7)4816 (96.2)5684 (96.8)1704 (97.0)0.12
 Anticoagulant agents1372 (10.1)130 (13.3)562 (11.2)535 (9.1)145 (8.3)<0.0001
Laboratory tests
 TC, mmol/L, mean (SD)4.13±1.233.90±1.474.05±1.184.18±1.214.33±1.30<0.0001
 LDL, mmol/L, mean (SD)2.45±1.082.34±1.212.42±1.042.47±1.082.54±1.13<0.0001
 HDL, mmol/L, mean (SD)0.97±0.300.94±0.290.97±0.300.97±0.300.97±0.300.03
 TG, mmol/L, mean (SD)1.60±0.921.43±1.011.52±0.851.65±0.921.75±0.99<0.0001
 eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2, mean (SD)92.0±33.784.1±37.989.4±28.594.1±35.297.0±38.8<0.0001
 ALT, U/L, median (IQR)18.0 (13.0–25.7)15.0 (11.0–20.0)16.5 (12.0–23.0)19.0 (13.9–26.6)22.0 (16.0–32.0)<0.0001
 hs-CRP, mg/L, median (IQR)1.7 (0.8–4.6)3.5 (1.2–8.3)1.9 (0.8–5.2)1.6 (0.8–3.9)1.4 (0.7–3.4)<0.0001
  • ALT, alanine aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; ECAS, extracranial arterial stenosis; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C reactive protein; ICAS, intracranial arterial stenosis; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; TIA, transient ischaemic attack; TOAST, the Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.