Table 2

Weighted 3-month event rates after multiple treatment propensity scoring

Aspirin monotherapyClopidogrel–aspirinOther combinationP value*P1†P2†
Primary outcome
 Composite of all strokes, MI and all-cause mortality16.28 (15.28–17.29)13.04 (12.08–14.00)15.39 (11.33–19.45)<0.0011.0000.406
Secondary outcome
 All strokes15.12 (14.14–16.09)12.15 (11.22–13.08)15.26 (11.22–19.31)<0.0011.0000.191
 All-cause mortality1.82 (1.43–2.21)1.37 (1.02–1.73)0.18 (0.00–0.69)0.0370.0780.234
 MI0.24 (0.10–0.38)0.32 (0.15–0.49)0.00 (0.00–0.00)0.5490.5460.662
 Ischaemic stroke14.88 (13.91–15.85)11.90 (10.98–12.83)15.22 (11.18–19.27)<0.0011.0000.151
 Haemorrhagic stroke0.27 (0.12–0.42)0.28 (0.12–0.44)0.04 (0.00–0.30)0.7150.8190.989
  • P1: aspirin monotherapy vs other combination; P2: clopidogrel–aspirin vs other combination.

  • *P value by the IPTW log-rank test.

  • †Adjusted p value by the Bonferroni adjustment method.

  • IPTW, inverse probability of treatment weighting; MI, myocardial infarction.