Table 3

Effect of alteplase on the development of symptomatic infarct swelling by change in HAS between baseline and follow-up

Baseline HASChanges in HAS at follow-upAlteplase n/N*Control n/N*Effect of alteplase on development of infarct swelling, OR (95% CI)P value for interaction
Persistent (n=324)28/15218/1721.93 (1.02 to 3.66)0.62; d.f.=1
Disappeared (n=349)9/1985/1511.39 (0.46 to 4.24)
Subtotal37/35023/3231.54 (0.89 to 2.66)
Newly developed (n=196)8/905/1061.97 (0.62 to 6.25)0.98; d.f.=1
None (n=1861)21/95710/9042.01 (0.94 to 4.28)
Subtotal29/104715/10101.89 (1.01 to 3.55)
TotalNA66/139738/13331.69 (1.13 to 2.54)0.96; d.f.=3
  • *N or n=number of patients in each subgroup of morphological changes in HAS presence, n/N: n=number of patients with infarct swelling.

  • d.f., degree of freedom; HAS, hyperdense artery sign; NA, not applicable.