Table 1

Patient and hospital characteristics for Medicare beneficiaries with TIA

VariableOverall (N=40 825)ABCD2 score 0–3 (N=5707)ABCD2 score ≥4 (N=35 118)P value
Age in years, median (IQR)80.00 (73–86)80.00 (73–86)80.00 (73–86)0.0247
Sex, %
Race, %
Medical history, %
 Atrial fibrillation19.2120.6118.990.0040
 Prosthetic heart valve1.852.561.73<0.0001
 Previous stroke/TIA32.0727.2132.86<0.0001
 CAD/prior MI31.9828.4032.56<0.0001
 Carotid stenosis4.595.034.510.0844
 Diabetes mellitus35.3411.9039.15<0.0001
 Heart failure9.287.599.55<0.0001
No of prior hospitalisations, median (IQR)0.00 (0.00–1.00)0.00 (0.00–1.00)0.00 (0.00–1.00)0.3529
Discharge status, %
Discharge home81.5589.1580.32<0.0001
Ambulating independently (vs unable or with assistance)74.2482.6972.87<0.0001
Discharge treatment, %
Cholesterol-lowering medications77.2076.8777.250.5080
Defect-free care*90.5591.0090.480.2193
Hospital characteristics
No of hospital beds, median (IQR)319 (223–443)325 (231–484)318 (222–439)<0.0001
No of ischaemic stroke discharges/year, median (IQR)198.25 (135.09–295.18)206.82 (143.82–317.19)196.00 (132.71–293.67)<0.0001
Teaching hospital, %51.5853.6951.240.0023
Primary stroke centre certification, %44.7942.6345.140.0004
Rural location, %6.104.716.33<0.0001
  • *Defect-free care is a global quality of care metric. Details provided in the online supplemental material.

  • CAD, coronary artery disease; HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.