Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the included patients in the patients who underwent whole genome sequencing and the rest of the patients in CNSR-III

(n=10 914 to 72.0%)
(n=4252 to 28.0%)
(n=15 166 to 100%)
Age (years), mean±SD62.2±11.362.2±11.362.2±11.3
Female, n (%)3429 (31.4)1373 (32.3)4802 (31.7)
Ethnicity (non-Han), n (%)306 (2.8)134 (3.2)440 (2.9)
Stroke type
 IS10 166 (93.2)3980 (93.6)14 146 (93.3)
 TIA748 (6.8)272 (6.4)1020 (6.7)
Current smoker, n (%)3472 (31.8)1280 (30.1)4752 (31.3)
Heavy drinker, n (%)*1582 (14.5)544 (12.8)2126 (14.0)
Medical history, n (%)
 Ischaemic stroke2322 (21.3)827 (19.4)3149 (20.8)
 Coronary heart disease1179 (10.8)429 (10.1)1608 (10.6)
 Atrial fibrillation765 (7.0)254 (6.0)1019 (6.7)
 Hypertension6858 (62.8)2636 (62.0)9494 (62.6)
 Diabetes mellitus2609 (23.9)901 (21.2)3510 (23.1)
 Hypercholesterolaemia903 (8.3)288 (6.8)1191 (7.9)
NIHSS at admission, median (IQR)†3.0 (1.0 to 6.0)3.0 (1.0 to 5.0)3.0 (1.0 to 6.0)
NIHSS 0–35120 (50.4)2199 (55.2)7319 (51.7)
NIHSS ≥45046 (49.6)1781 (44.8)6827 (48.3)
  • *Heavy drinker was defined as ≥2 standard alcohol consumption per day.

  • †NIHSS in this table were summarised among IS patients only.

  • CNSR-III, the Third China National Stroke Registry; IS, ischaemic stroke; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.