Table 1

Baseline characteristics, occlusion site, clot aetiology and stent retrievers used between groups

CharacteristicsCat 5
Cat 6
Cat 7
P value
Cat 5 versus Cat 7Cat 6 versus Cat 7
Age (years)78 (71.0–83.3)73.5 (62.8–84.0)74 (63–82)0.1320.609
Female sex48 (63.2)43 (55.1)49 (58.3)0.5330.681
ASPECTS8 (7–9)9 (7–10)8 (7–9)0.3390.094
NIHSS score18.5 (12–23)17.5 (10–20.8)16 (12–20)0.1290.667
Intravenous tPA23 (30.3)36 (46.2)34 (40.5)0.1780.466
Time onset–groin (min)210 (163–325)195 (155–345)230 (162–324)0.5640.651
General anaesthesia28 (36.8)43 (55.1)40 (47.6)0.1680.726
Tandem occlusion11 (14.5)13 (16.7)13 (15.5)0.8590.837
Occlusion site0.3040.195
 Carotid terminus20 (26.3)22 (28.2)30 (35.7)
 MCA M143 (56.6)40 (51.3)45 (53.6)
 MCA M213 (17.1)16 (20.5)9 (10.7)
Clot origin0.0700.319
 Atherothrombotic5 (6.6)14 (17.9)10 (11.9)
 Cardioembolic54 (71.1)42 (53.8)48 (57.1)
 Other0 (0)1 (1.3)5 (6)
 Undetermined17 (22.4)21 (26.9)21 (25)
Arch type0.7280.064
 Type I17 (22.4)23 (29.5)23 (22.4)
 Type II44 (57.9)51 (65.4)47 (57.9)
 Type III15 (19.7)4 (5.1)14 (17.9)
Cervical tortuosity0.7640.143
 Straight–tortuosity47 (61.8)55 (70.5)50 (59.5)
 Coiling–kinking29 (38.2)23 (29.5)34 (40.5)
Intracranial tortuosity0.0940.140
 Types IA and IB48 (63.2)48 (61.5)42 (50)
 Types II, III and IV28 (36.8)30 (38.5)42 (50)
Stent retrievers used0.1570.430
 Aperio14 (18.4)10 (12.8)13 (15.5)
 Catch10 (13.2)7 (9.0)2 (2.4)
 Embotrap6 (7.9)8 (10.3)8 (9.5)
 pREset25 (32.9)34 (43.6)36 (42.9)
 Trevo21 (27.6)19 (24.4)25 (29.8)
  • Values are presented as number (%) or median (IQR).

  • ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; Cat, Catalyst; MCA, middle cerebral artery; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator.