Table 3

Natural annualised rupture risk and annualised subsequent rupture risk under different treatment modalities in brainstem AVMs

Patients with haemorrhagic eventTotal haemorrhagic eventsFollow-up duration (years)Annual rate (%)
Natural rupture risk (n=61)7 (11.5)8109.77.3
Natural rerupture risk (n=49)7 (14.3)889.78.9
Subsequent rupture
 Conservative (n=13)1 (7.7)165.51.5
 Interventional (n=48)7 (14.6)8207.43.9
  Microsurgery (n=6)0 (0.0)034.30.0
  Embolisation (n=12)3 (25.0)441.49.7
  SRS (n=21)3 (14.3)384.83.5
  Embolisation+SRS (n=9)1 (11.1)147.02.1
Partial obliteration (n=23)7 (30.4)875.610.6
Complete obliteration (n=25)0 (0.0)0120.10.0
  • Poisson rate test for partial obliteration and complete obliteration or conservative management is significant (p<0.001, p=0.036, respectively). Poisson rate test for partial obliteration and natural rupture risk is not significant (p=0.465). Values are expressed as number of cases (%) or mean±SD, unless otherwise indicated.

  • AVMs, arteriovenous malformations; SRS, stereotactic radiosurgery.