Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the included brainstem AVMs

CharacteristicsAll patients (n=61)
 Sex (male)33 (54.1)
 Age (years)29.5±14.0
Onset manifestation
 Haemorrhage49 (80.3)
 Neurofunctional deficit4 (6.6)
 Others8 (13.1)
 Hydrocephalus5 (8.2)
 Admission mRS1.2±1.4
AVM grading (SM grade)
 I0 (0.0)
 II30 (49.2)
 III22 (36.1)
 IV4 (6.6)
 V3 (4.9)
 00 (0.0)
 13 (4.9)
 227 (44.3)
 315 (24.6)
 416 (26.2)
 <119 (31.1)
 1–231 (50.8)
 >211 (18.0)
 Midbrain30 (49.2)
 Midbrain-pons5 (8.2)
 Pons10 (16.4)
 Pons-medulla3 (4.9)
 Medulla6 (9.8)
 Middle cerebellar peduncle5 (8.2)
 Others2 (3.3)
 Size (cm)2.4±1.4
 Deep venous drainage26 (42.6)
 Drainage varix15 (24.6)
 Aneurysms (flow-related)10 (16.4)
 Diffuse nidus10 (16.4)
 Deep perforating arteries45 (73.8)
Treatment modalities
 Conservation13 (21.3)
 Microsurgery6 (9.8)
Embolisation12 (19.7)
SRS21 (34.4)
Embolisation+SRS9 (14.8)
 Follow-up duration (years)4.5±2.1
  • AVM RBAS score= (0.1)*(AVM volume)+(0.02)*(patient age)+(0.3)*(AVM location).

  • Values are expressed as number of cases (%) or mean±SD, unless otherwise indicated.

  • AVMs, arteriovenous malformations; SM grade, Spetzler-Martin grade; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; RBAS, Radiosurgery-based AVM Score; SRS, stereotactic radiosurgery; VRAS, Virginia Radiosurgery AVM Scale.