Table 2

Coexisting intracranial and extracranial carotid atherosclerotic diseases

Coexisting intracranial stenosis ≥50% andAll patients
Patients with ACI
Patients without ACI
P value
Carotid stenosis ≥50%12 (3.4%)7 (4.8%)5 (2.4%)0.369
Carotid MWT ≥1 mm40 (11.4%)30 (20.5%)10 (4.9%)<0.001
Carotid calcification31 (8.8%)22 (15.1%)9 (4.4%)0.001
Carotid LRNC44 (12.5%)28 (19.2%)16 (7.8%)0.002
Carotid IPH7 (2.0%)4 (2.7%)3 (1.5%)0.649
Carotid FCR3 (0.9%)0 (0.0%)3 (1.8%)0.379
Carotid HRP10 (2.8%)5 (3.4%)5 (2.4%)0.825
  • ACI, acute cerebral infarct; FCR, fibrous cap rupture; HRP, high-risk plaque; IPH, intraplaque haemorrhage; LRNC, lipid-rich necrotic core; MWT, mean wall thickness.