Table 18

In-hospital outcomes of patients with stroke from the Hospital Quality Monitoring System in 2018

(n=3 010 204 (100%))
(n=2 466 785(81.9%))
(n=447 609(14.9%))
(n=95 810 (3.2%))
In-hospital outcomes
 Unclear94 651 (3.1)72 501 (2.9)18 145 (4.1)4005 (4.2)
 Discharge2 629 861 (87.4)2 226 794 (90.3)332 929 (74.4)70 138 (73.2)
 Transfer35 663 (1.2)23 510 (1.0)9025 (2.0)3128 (3.3)
 DAMA/death250 029 (8.3)143 980 (5.8)87 510 (19.5)18 539 (19.4)
  DAMA206 921 (6.9)125 930 (5.1)66 457 (14.8)14 534 (15.2)
  Death43 108 (1.4)18 050 (0.7)21 053 (4.7)4005 (4.2)
Length of stay
 Median (IQR)10.0 (7.0–14.0)10.0 (7.0–13.0)14.0 (8.0–22.0)12.0 (5.0–19.0)
Total fee
 Mean±SD18 555.2±29 893.913 675.7±18 167.634 071.1±44 760.271 696.4±75 216.5
 Median (IQR)10 213.5 (6547.5–17 271.9)9456.6 (6287.0–14 686.4)18 114.2 (9274.5–40 106.0)42 209.6 (11 739.6–116 403.0)
Out of pocket
 Mean±SD5765.0±16 395.94034.6±9848.310 980.4±25 195.725 951.4±48 698.2
 Median (IQR)1090.0 (0.0–5510.7)1004.7 (0.0–4826.2)1703.8 (0.0–11 007.8)2624.8 (0.0–29 138.7)
  • DAMA, discharge against medical advice.