Table 25

In-hospital outcomes of patients with ischaemic stroke from the Hospital Quality Monitoring System in 2018 by admission day

(n=2 466 785 (100%))
(n=1 928 908 (78.2%))
(n=537 877 (21.8%))
In-hospital outcomes
 Unclear72 501 (2.9)56 460 (2.9)16 041 (3.0)
 Discharge2 226 794 (90.3)1 746 541 (90.5)480 253 (89.3)
 Transfer23 510 (1.0)17 942 (0.9)5568 (1.0)
 DAMA/death143 980 (5.8)107 965 (5.6)36 015 (6.7)
  DAMA125 930 (5.1)94 566 (4.9)31 364 (5.8)
  Death18 050 (0.7)13 399 (0.7)4651 (0.9)
Length of stay
 Median (IQR)10.0 (7.0–13.0)10.0 (7.0–14.0)10.0 (7.0–13.0)
Total fee
 Mean±SD13 675.7±18 167.613 586.5±18 036.613 995.8±18 626.0
 Median (IQR)94 56.6 (6287.0–14 686.4)9407.3 (6267.8–14 592.3)9637.7 (6361.6–15 030.5)
Out of pocket
 Mean±SD4034.6±9848.34001.6±9767.24153.0±10 133.1
 Median (IQR)1004.7 (0.0–4826.2)993.5 (0.0–4776.9)1090.7 (0.0–4993.8)
  • DAMA, discharge against medical advice.