Table 27

In-hospital outcomes of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhagefrom the Hospital Quality Monitoring System in 2018 by admission day

(n=95 810 (100%))
(n=70 247 (73.3%))
(n=25 563 (26.7%))
In-hospital outcomes
 Unclear4005 (4.2)2949 (4.2)1056 (4.1)
 Discharge70 138 (73.2)51 686 (73.6)18 452 (72.2)
 Transfer3128 (3.3)2303 (3.3)825 (3.2)
 DAMA/death18 539 (19.4)13 309 (18.9)5230 (20.4)
  DAMA14 534 (15.2)10 413 (14.8)4121 (16.1)
  Death4005 (4.2)2896 (4.1)1109 (4.3)
Length of stay
 Median (IQR)12.0 (5.0–19.0)13.0 (5.0–19.0)12.0 (5.0–19.0)
Total fee
 Mean±SD71 696.4±75 216.571 390.9±74 985.172 536.0±75 843.9
 Median (IQR)42 209.6 (11 739.6–116 403.0)41 698.9 (11 721.4–11 5905.7)43 489.2 (11 801.6–11 7909.9)
Out of pocket
 Mean±SD25 951.4±48 698.225 661.8±48 358.426 747.2±49 612.4
 Median (IQR)2624.8 (0.0–29 138.7)2565.4 (0.0–28 462.2)2795.4 (0.0–31 122.6)
  • DAMA, discharge against medical advice.