Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients on dual antiplatelet therapy—with versus without haemorrhages

SummaryMinor strokeTIA
No bleed (n=5069)Any bleed (n=101)p ValueNo bleedAny bleedp ValueNo bleedAny bleedp Value
All2524 (49.8%)60 (59.4%)0.05571821 (49.8%)46 (66.7%)0.0055703 (49.8%)14 (43.8%)0.5019
Age62.3 (54.6–71.2)64.5 (57.5–74.0)0.011462.0 (54.7–71.2)65.8 (56.3–76.4)0.021262.5 (54.6–71.5)62.1 (59.9–71.5)0.3213
Gender3364 (66.4%)56 (55.4%)0.02172455 (67.1%)41 (59.4%)0.1761909 (64.3%)15 (46.9%)0.0420
BMI24.5 (22.8–26.5)23.9 (22.0–25.4)0.005624.5 (22.7–26.4)23.7 (22.0–25.6)0.016224.6 (22.9–26.6)24.0 (22.1–25.1)0.1643
SBP150 (136–161)150 (133–160)0.7271150 (140–165)150 (133–163)0.5608145 (130–j160)146 (135–160)0.6827
DBP90 (80–100)87 (80–99)0.478790 (80–100)90 (80–100)0.494787 (80–95)82.5 (80–97.5)0.8785
Medical history
 Stroke1019 (20.1%)14 (13.9%)0.1204769 (21.0%)12 (17.4%)0.4615250 (17.7%)2 (6.3%)0.0916
 TIA170 (3.4%)4 (4.0%)0.737870 (1.9%)2 (2.9%)0.5565100 (7.1%)2 (6.3%)0.8566
 MI94 (1.9%)2 (2.0%)0.926172 (2.0%)2 (2.9%)0.583722 (1.6%)0 (0.0%)0.4769
 Hypertension3334 (65.8%)65 (64.4%)0.76652352 (64.3%)44 (63.8%)0.9227982 (69.5%)21 (65.6%)0.6383
 Diabetes1069 (21.1%)24 (23.8%)0.5147749 (20.5%)16 (23.2%)0.5821320 (22.6%)8 (25.0%)0.7533
 Hyperlipidaemia564 (11.1%)9 (8.9%)0.4825370 (10.1%)4 (5.8%)0.2365194 (13.7%)5 (15.6%)0.7583
 Smoking2186 (43.1%)35 (34.7%)0.08861606 (43.9%)27 (39.1%)0.4262580 (41.0%)8 (25.0%)0.0677
 ETOH use1565 (30.9%)35 (34.7%)0.41591140 (31.2%)27 (39.1%)0.1585425 (30.1%)8 (25.0%)0.5352
mRS at discharge4174 (82.3%)89 (88.1%)0.27102942 (80.5%)61 (88.4%)0.15871232 (87.2%)28 (87.5%)0.7475
NIHSSS at discharge1485 (29.3%)35 (34.7%)0.6061381 (10.4%)9 (13.0%)0.61311104 (78.1%)26 (81.3%)0.2900
History of aspirin use565 (11.1%)19 (18.8%)0.0160355 (9.7%)14 (20.3%)0.0036210 (14.9%)5 (15.6%)0.9045
Taking proton pump inhibitors39 (0.8%)7 (6.9%)<0.000130 (0.8%)6 (8.7%)<0.00019 (0.6%)1 (3.1%)0.0932
  • BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; ETOH, alcohol; MI, myocardial infarction; mRS, modified Rankin Score; NIHSSS, NIH Stroke Scale Score; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.