Table 1

Common terms in cost assessment of health interventions

Fixed costs (FC)Costs that do not vary with the quantity of output in the short run (eg, 1 year) and may vary with time, rather than the level of output. Could include:
Development costs
 Intervention development planning (eg, meetings, consulting)
 Intervention materials development (eg, creation of educational videos)
Start-up costs
 Facilities and infrastructure set-up (eg, equipment and technology installation, furniture)
 Hiring costs
 Initial training
Operational costs
  Salary, wages, fringe benefits of staff (eg, administrative support, operations management, supervision, programme monitoring)
 Volunteer time
  Depreciation of durable goods
Variable costs (VC)Costs that vary with the level of output. Could include:
Operational costs
  Salary, wages, fringe benefits of staff (eg, intervention delivery staff, service labour)
  Volunteer time
 Materials, supplies (eg, testing kits, postage, educational materials)
  Mileage, gas
Total costs (TC)Total intervention cost (ie, the sum of all cost categories during the study time horizon):
Average cost (AC)Average cost per unit of output, such as cost per person served (ie, total costs divided by the total units of outputs):
Marginal cost (MC)Cost of producing an additional unit of output (ie, total cost after producing an extra unit of output minus the original total cost):
MC=(TC of Qn+1)–(TC of Qn)
Opportunity costCost of forgoing the next best alternative use of a resource; the value of the resource had it been used for another productive activity.
  • Q, quantity of output, such as persons served.