Table 1

Characteristics of participating hospitals in CNSR-III (n=201)

Hospital type
Grade II38 (18.9)
Grade III163 (81.1)
Beds in total (n) 1263 (1000–2000)
Beds in Neurology department (ND) (n)108 (72-180)
Stroke out-patients clinic172 (85.6)
Emergency department201 (100.0)
NICU144 (71.6)
Stroke unit155 (77.1)
Inpatients’ rehabilitation199 (99.0)
Neurological rehabilitation department158 (78.6)
Neurological rehabilitators176 (87.6)
Speech therapist151 (75.1)
Physiotherapist193 (96.0)
Diagnostic procedures
Brain CT scan 24/7201 (100.0)
Digital subtraction angiography185 (92.0)
Extracranial duplex sonography195 (97.0)
  • CNSR-III, the Third China National Stroke Registry; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.