Table 1

Demographic and baseline characteristics of patients in the UTO group and the control group

UTO group (n=42)Control group (n=62)P values
Gender (male/female)22/2036/260.567
Age (year)63.93±14.0070.39±13.420.020
TOAST classification
 Large-artery atherosclerosis22270.376
 Small-vessel occlusion15180.473
 Stroke of other determined aetiology010.408
 Stroke of undetermined aetiology140.341
Anterior/posterior cerebral circulation23/1948/140.015
Risk factors (%)
 Hypertension28 (66.7)45 (72.6)0.518
 Coronary heart disease25 (59.5)26 (41.9)0.078
 Diabetes16 (38.1)18 (29.0)0.334
 Hyperlipoidaemia29 (69.0)34 (54.8)0.146
 Hyperhomocysteinaemia16 (38.1)17 (27.4)0.251
 Atrial fibrillation7 (16.7)12 (19.4)0.727
Last seen normal (LSN) to thrombolysis (min)538.05±167.71155.76±59.81<0.001
  • TOAST, Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment; UTO, unknown time of onset.