Table 1

Baseline characteristics of all patients with ischaemic stroke with carotid data and by ipsilateral carotid stenosis

All ISGTNNo GTNContinueStopStenosis <30%Stenosis 30–<50%Stenosis 50–<70%Stenosis ≥70%P value
Number of patients2023100210215345251431224148213
Age (years)69.1 (11.4)68.8 (11.3)69.4 (11.5)71.6 (10.5)70.9 (10.5)68.3 (11.6)71.2 (10.7)73.3 (9.9)68.9 (10.8)<0.001
Sex, male (%)1193 (59.0)599 (59.8)594 (58.2)286 (53.6)283 (53.9)817 (57.1)141 (62.9)91 (61.5)141 (66.2)0.036
Premorbid mRS>1 (%)209 (10.3)95 (9.5)114 (11.2)71 (13.3)64 (12.2)135 (9.4)27 (12.1)20 (13.5)24 (11.3)0.29
Medical history (%)
 Hypertension1307 (64.6)624 (47.7)683 (66.9)512 (95.9)503 (95.8)903 (63.1)146 (65.2)108 (73.0)144 (67.6)0.078
 Treated hypertension1072 (53.0)516 (51.5)556 (54.5)533 (99.8)522 (99.4)720 (50.3)134 (59.8)98 (66.2)115 (54.0)<0.001
 Diabetes mellitus353 (17.4)164 (16.4)189 (18.5)125 (23.4)121 (23.0)245 (17.1)38 (17.0)38 (25.7)28 (13.1)0.020
 Atrial fibrillation333 (16.5)169 (16.9)164 (16.1)135 (25.3)116 (22.1)224 (15.7)43 (19.2)36 (24.3)30 (14.1)0.024
 Stroke295 (14.6)150 (15.0)145 (14.2)113 (21.2)97 (18.5)207 (14.5)37 (16.5)25 (16.9)22 (10.3)0.22
 TIA286 (14.1)147 (14.7)139 (13.6)91 (17.0)96 (18.3)179 (12.5)43 (19.2)24 (16.2)39 (18.3)0.010
 IHD380 (18.8)191 (19.1)189 (18.5)136 (25.5)153 (29.1)248 (17.3)59 (26.3)38 (25.7)34 (16.0)0.001
 PAD65 (3.2)29 (2.9)36 (3.5)23 (4.3)22 (4.2)35 (2.4)10 (4.5)8 (5.4)12 (5.6)0.018
 Hyperlipidaemia587 (29.0)293 (29.2)294 (28.8)204 (38.2)216 (41.1)412 (28.8)60 (26.8)52 (35.1)57 (26.8)0.29
 Smoking, current573 (28.3)278 (27.7)295 (28.9)111 (20.8)109 (20.8)380 (26.6)71 (31.7)37 (25.0)83 (39.0)0.010
 Alcohol >21 units per week176 (8.7)92 (9.2)84 (8.2)38 (7.1)29 (5.5)116 (8.1)19 (10.9)11 (7.4)28 (13.1)0.10
 Side of lesion, right (%)1047 (51.8)509 (50.8)538 (52.7)278 (52.4)264 (50.4)722 (50.5)109 (48.7)89 (60.1)127 (59.6)0.010
 NIHSS (/42), calculated9.9 (5.3)9.8 (5.3)10.0 (5.4)10.3 (5.5)10.2 (5.4)9.7 (5.2)10.1 (5.4)9.6 (5.0)11.6 (5.6)<0.001
 GCS <15 (%)460 (22.7)222 (22.2)238 (23.3)134 (25.1)145 (27.6)300 (21.0)61 (27.2)32 (21.6)65 (30.5)0.006
TOAST classification*
 Cardioembolic358 (17.7)181 (18.1)177 (17.3)133 (24.9)117 (22.3)271 (18.9)41 (18.3)24 (16.2)22 (10.3)0.021
 Large vessel527 (26.1)254 (25.3)273 (26.7)143 (49.5)146 (27.8)200 (14.0)53 (23.7)90 (60.8)180 (84.5)<0.001
 Small Vessel808 (39.9)402 (40.1)406 (39.8)188 (35.2)199 (37.9)649 (45.4)105 (46.9)34 (23.0)16 (7.5)<0.001
 Other394 (19.5)202 (20.2)192 (18.8)93 (17.4)87 (16.6)333 (23.3)32 (14.3)17 (11.5)12 (5.6)<0.001
 BP, systolic (mm Hg)166.6 (18.5)167.1 (18.3)166.1 (18.7)165.4 (18.9)167.7 (17.8)166.6 (18.6)166.6 (18.7)165.1 (17.2)167.5 (18.3)0.70
 BP, diastolic (mm Hg)89.2 (13.0)89.9 (13.1)88.5 (12.8)87.5 (13.3)88.2 (12.6)90.1 (13.0)88.2 (13.3)87.7 (12.9)86.7 (11.8)<0.001
 Heart rate (bpm)76.8 (14.4)77.1 (14.5)76.5 (14.2)75.8 (14.5)76.1 (14.5)76.5 (14.6)78.4 (13.1)78.7 (15.4)75.3 (13.1)0.039
 Time to randomisation [hours]25.6 [21.2]24.9 [21.5]26.0 [21.1]25.2 [18.8]23.9 [22.1]26.0 [21.6]24.0 [20.1]23.9 [17.8]24.8 [19.0]0.08
 Thrombolysis (%)239 (11.8)107 (10.7)132 (12.9)71 (13.3)63 (12.0)156 (10.9)24 (10.7)20 (13.5)39 (18.3)0.015
  • *Total may exceed 100% due to mixed causality. χ2 test for categorical variables or one-way analysis of variance for continuous variables across grades of carotid stenosis.

  • BP, blood pressure; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; GTN, glyceryl trinitrate; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.