Table 2

Sensitivity and specificity for predicting LAO for various models at optimum cut-off, high specificity cut-off and high sensitivity cut-off

ModelAUCP valuesOptimum Youden cut-offHigh specificity cut-offHigh sensitivity cut-off
NIH item 50.7267
(NIHSS 5≥3)
(NIHSS 5≥3)
(NIHSS 5=4)
(NIHSS 5=4)
(NIHSS 5≥2)
(NIHSS 5≥2)
NIHSS item 5+NIHSS item 20.75<0.05687364768253
NIHSS item 5+NIHSS item 2+NIHSS item 40.76<0.05707261808059
NIHSS item 5+NIHSS item 2+
NIHSS item 4+NIHSS item 1C
Full-item NIHSS0.78<0.05697662808159
Total NIHSS score0.76<0.05697360808057
NIHSS item 5+NIHSS item 60.73<0.05657453827952
  • The p values for the AUCs describe likelihood ratios tests comparing each model with the simple arm paresis model (NIH item 5). For the 1-item model including subitem 5, arm function, we have in italics given the respective subitem cut-off for the three sensitivity/specificity scenarios. NIHSS item 2=gaze; NIHSS item 1C=level of consciousness commands; NIHSS item 4=facial motor function; NIHSS item 5=arm motor function; NIHSS item 6=leg motor function.

  • AUC, area under the curve; LAO, large artery occlusion; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.