This is the first prospective evaluation of the full suite of Brainomix e-Stroke software in an unselected cohort of patients with suspected acute ischaemic stroke. This study design has the advantage of providing a reliable estimate of both the real-world diagnostic performance (including diagnostic statistics that are influenced by disease incidence) and the post-processing success rates (as all imaging was acquired in line with Brainomix recommendations).
The performance of e-ASPECTS in this study (accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 77%, 57% and 84%, respectively) falls within the range reported in the literature (67–87%, 14–83% and 57–99%, respectively).11 17 18 Direct comparison with these statistics is difficult because of the significant differences in the study cohorts, which exclusively included patients with a confirmed anterior circulation acute ischaemic stroke. A more direct comparison can be made with a study of e-ASPECTS by Mair et al that included an analysis of a representative cohort that was simulated by enriching CT scans from stroke trial data with scans that were normal or with different diseases. Further, as in this study, the ground truth was based on expert review with all imaging and clinical data. In that analysis, the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were 71%, 68% and 74%, respectively. Differences in the diagnostic performance may be related to differences in the incidence of stroke in the cohorts (54.4% vs 26.0% in this study) and evaluation of different e-Stroke versions (9 or 10 vs 11 in this study).
There was no statistically significant difference in the accuracy of e-ASPECTS by individual ASPECTS region although the lower accuracy in the lentiform and insular cortex has been reported previously.12
We found e-ASPECTS to be a specific and reliable method of identifying patients for mechanical thrombectomy; only 3 (0.6%) patients were misclassified as ineligible for mechanical thrombectomy based on an ASPECTS of <6. This rate of misclassification is lower than what has been reported previously (3.4%19 and 4.4%14). This misclassification must also be considered in the context of the expanding eligibility criteria for mechanical thrombectomy;20 using an ASPECTS of 3 as a threshold for eligibility, a misclassification by e-ASPECTS would become even less likely. In contrast, algorithm performance was less reliable for patients with an NIHSS of <6, where the sensitivity and PPV were significantly lower than in the whole cohort. This is likely to partly reflect the smaller infarct volume expected in patients with a lower NIHSS.
Identifying hyperdense vessels due to acute thrombus was the least accurate (69.1%) component of e-ASPECTS, which was hampered by a large number of false positives (121, 22.2%). Perhaps higher sensitivity (at the expense of lower sensitivity) is preferable in cases where a patient has presented early and parenchymal ischaemic change has not yet developed; after expert review, a CT angiogram could be performed to exclude acute thrombus. Nevertheless, one must consider the risk of a large number of false-positive hyperdense vessels prompting unnecessary CT angiograms.
e-ASPECTS was highly accurate in detecting acute haemorrhage, which reflects prior studies.21 Accuracy was limited only by false positives mainly caused by choroid plexus calcification. While high sensitivity to acute haemorrhage is important prior to initiating time-sensitive thrombolysis, false positives carry the risk of causing an unnecessary delay while a specialist review is sought.
e-CTA was more specific (93.6%) than it was sensitive (77.6%). Both of these values are higher than a prior study based on the retrospective analysis of 545 CTAs from trial data (sensitivity and specificity of 72%).21 Again, some of this difference may be related to the incidence of large vessel occlusions (53.5% vs 12.5% in this study) and different software versions. Medium vessel occlusions are outside the specifications of the software and therefore, as would be expected, performance for medium vessel occlusions is significantly lower than for large vessel occlusions. Including medium vessel occlusions in the analysis nearly doubled the number of false negatives (15 vs 28). The sensitivity of 65% for large and medium vessel occlusions, which are increasingly considered a target for mechanical thrombectomy, highlights the on-going requirement for specialist review of the CT angiogram (and the requirement for on-going software development).
The values derived from Brainomix e-CTP and syngo.via were positively correlated. The positive correlation was similar to that reported in a study comparing outputs from RAPID AI and Brainomix.15 In contrast to the other components of e-Stroke, the validation of e-CTP is limited by the lack of a readily available ground truth. While comparison of the core ischaemia with contemporaneous diffusion-weighted imaging is possible, this is rarely employed at our centre. Alternatively, the core infarct could be compared with the final infarct volume in patients where complete recanalisation was achieved soon after the CTP. There were too few patients who met these criteria in this study cohort for this to be an option.
A balance must be met between suppressing an output from e-Stroke due to artefact and providing a dependable output. The processing success rate for e-ASPECTS (96.5%) and e-CTA (97.7%) is higher than reported previously (61—89.5%).14 21 22 This likely reflects the homogeneous imaging acquisition at our centre, which has been optimised for use with Brainomix e-Stroke. In contrast, higher failure rates may have been anticipated in prior studies where imaging data was acquired from historical multi-centre trials, often with suboptimal image quality and slice thickness.
The findings from this study are relevant to clinical practice in the UK where investment in AI-based imaging analysis systems is being encouraged at a national level.23 Particularly in centres without immediate 24/7 neuroradiology support, the short processing time and automated analysis of e-Stroke can aid in the early identification of patients who may be candidates for mechanical thrombectomy. Theoretically, this would reduce the time to referral and transfer (ie, reduced door-in-door-out time) to a comprehensive stroke centre for a mechanical thrombectomy, which in turn would improve clinical outcomes. However, our data show that e-Stroke—at the current level of performance—cannot be used in isolation to select cases for active management on a thrombectomy pathway. Clinicians should ensure that all imaging for patients who are eligible for time-critical treatment is still formally reviewed by a radiologist and that cases are not ‘stood down’ for thrombectomy treatment consideration based purely on the results of an automated imaging analysis.
This study has limitations that should be considered. First, we did not compare the performance of Brainomix with a blinded neuroradiologist, which has been reported previously. Rather, the goal of this study was to assess as accurately as possible the true performance of Brainomix in a real-world setting, which requires a firmer assessment of the ground truth. As discussed above, the evaluation of CTP is limited by the lack of a clear ground truth; future studies would ideally compare CTP values with those derived from ‘hyperacute’ MRI or the final infarct volume in those where complete recanalisation was achieved. Our results are based on a tertiary hyperacute stroke centre, where patients routinely undergo video triage before transfer; performance of an algorithm may vary in other centres where the incidence of stroke is lower. A major component of Brainomix e-Stroke is the ability to communicate and transfer images between centres; the value of this functionality was not assessed in this study. Lastly, while the performance of Brainomix software is similar to that reported for other software products,24 direct comparison of Brainomix e-Stroke with other competing products would ideally be performed. Such a comparison, using identical cohorts, would offer valueable information to centres deciding which clinical decision support tool to implement.
e-Stroke is a fast and reliable software package that can analyse CT imaging in the acute stroke setting. However, with wide variation in the accuracy of the individual components of e-Stroke, it remains an adjunct in the interpretation of acute stroke CT imaging and cannot be solely relied on for clinical decision making.