Table 1

Sample characteristics of patients aged 18–64 years with a primary diagnosis of acute ischaemic stroke by intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV tPA) therapy status (%), 2010–2013 MarketScan Commercial Claim Inpatient Database

tPA status
 Total (N=39 149)Non-tPA group (N=36 603)IV tPA group (N=2546)p Value
Age, years
 Average (years)54.354.353.8<0.01
Metropolitan statistical area
 North central27.527.528.00.57
Charlson comorbidity index
 5 or higher21.521.916.2<0.01
 Average (index)<0.01
Length of stay, days
 Average (days)<0.01
Discharge destination
 Rehabilitation facility14.013.521.1<0.01
 Short-term hospital/SNF/other*
  • *SNF stands for skilled-nursing facility. Other discharge status includes transferring to a federal hospital, critical access hospital, hospice, long-term care facility, and all other discharge status.